Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Two Camps of the Silent Majority

I think there is a very large contingent of people out there who are basically anarchists--haters of power and coercion in all of its forms. However, relatively minor differences in how they weigh the forms of power cause them to be divided into two camps.

One feels, with no small amount of justification, that capitalism is the bigger problem. It pollutes, exploits, and pillages; it forces most people to spend large swathes of their working days toiling in petty little dictatorships where they enjoy neither rights nor dignity. It blares endless propaganda, which we call "advertising," that is as subtle as it is banal. It organizes vast resources into structures, such as corporations and trusts, where even if the human beings who are nominally in control desire to act decently (a fairly rare occurrence to begin with) they are nonetheless bound by fiduciary duties to act as amoral profit-seeking monsters. They are not necessarily fans of government, particularly not as it currently exists, but see it as the only available counterbalance to the monstrous Dollar and subsequently support it in the seemingly endless grudgematch between what passes for the Left and the Right in this nation.

The other feels, also reasonably, that government is the bigger problem. It launches insane wars for no reason and empowers religious fundamentalists. It spies on us with impunity. It teaches us all submission in the classroom and by the nightstick; those who can't or won't learn the lesson usually end up as one of the millions locked inside cages--and it does it all with funding derived at the point of a gun. These people tend to support an abstract ideal of capitalism, but they are ready to critique it as it currently exists--but they do so in hushed tones, if at all, out of fear of giving an inch to Leviathan and authoritarianism.

So we sit at endless loggerheads, wielding a tool we fear to fight an enemy we fear even more. It's an arms race, and until there is detente we will all lose.