Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Show Me What You Got

So, why does the Ames straw poll matter? As far as I can tell, it's a county fair for republicans. And while we're at it - what's with the whole primary system to begin with? Why the hell does Iowa and South Carolina and New Hampshire get to play a part in the weeding out process. It makes sense, I guess - those are three entirely different types of Republican states - but still, how fucking undemocratic is that? There are good arguments against a national primary, but you won't see them coming from me.

PS - in the official eyes of the MSM, the Ames straw poll will matter a lot if Pawlenty wins and nothing in Ron Paul wins. Just sayin...


  1. It doesn't matter at all. Bob Dole and Pat Robertson will tell you as much.

  2. Oh, now it totally matters. Palin's in and they allow write-ins. She takes her victory as a mandate of the people that they need her. She runs and gets the nomination, easily, and then gets slaughtered by Obama 70-30, but it's a prolonged election because she sues disputing the results. The matter is finally settled and Obama's election confirmed on December 21, 2012. The Mayans win, again.
