Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Wouldn't it be nice if there was some moderate, centrist, bipartisan group of politicians that represented fiscal stability and could solve our problems?

Where could we ever find such a group? Oh, right, it's called Congress.

Look, people, we don't have a liberal-conservative split in this country; we have a far-right party and a center-right party. Obama's policies are continuing, if not expanding, the same policies that GHWB originally set forth twenty years ago. Clinton did it, GWB did it, and now Obama's doing it. The only issues that prompt any sort of debate are the social issues that are - by design - never going to be solved.

Now, back to counting the countries we're bombing for freedom's sake...


  1. Sometimes I worry that no one cares about the things I care about, and then I remember: no one does. Problem solved.

  2. You could say, this is your last resort.
