Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Take A Look Around

So, about that Ames straw poll...

Michele Bachmann, hometown hero and newest darling of the Teavangelical right, won with 4,823 votes. Ron Paul, 12-term congressman and godfather of the Tea Party came in second with 4,671 votes. Tim Pawlenty came in a distant third with 2,293 votes (and then promptly quit the race). You'd imagine then that the prevailing narrative would be "Bachmann and Paul show the Tea Party's strength!" or something along those lines.


Instead you got articles like this:
Based on what is known today, the Republican nominee for President is almost certainly one of the following, in alphabetical order: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) or former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-Mass.). These three individuals solely constitute the first tier.
It's ok, though, the article does mention Ron Paul a few paragraphs later (after addressing no-shot filler candidates Rick Santorum and Herman Cain):

But what to say about Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who narrowly finished second to Bachmann in Ames? With his enigmatic libertarian views and advanced age (for a presidential candidate), he will not be the Republican nominee, but he is better funded and better organized this time around. It’s not clear who his candidacy hurts most or when it is likely to end, though it doesn't look like he'll drop out before the Iowa Caucuses.
What a jerk! How dare someone of advanced age and libertarian views run for president! Why won't he just quit already? Everyone knows he WON'T be the nominee!

Ron Paul being ignored by the media is nothing new. They could hide behind his poor numbers in '08, but not this year where he's actually a top tier candidate.

It's actually so bad, the media itself has noticed:

This is so typical of the society we live in. Instead of having an open dialogue where ideas are free to stand on their own merits, the media uses their power to tell us what to think and who to vote for. O! Benevolent shepherd yea enlighten us! If Ron Paul was really that crazy wouldn't the better strategy be to shine a spotlight on his views so that we can all see his negative aspects? Wouldn't a free society welcome the chance to debate opposing viewpoints - because, in fact, if they are wrong everyone will see how wrong they are?

By stifling his voice all the elites have done is lend credibility to the conspiracy theories; what are they afraid of?

Let's be clear. Ron Paul isn't advocating imperialistic expansionist policies, he isn't advocating discrimination and racism, he isn't advocating a neo-Nazi ideology worthy of contempt and indignation. No, he's championing the cause of personal freedom and economic liberty. By censoring Ron Paul, the mainstream elite are really betraying their true intentions. By censoring Ron Paul, the mainstream elite are digging their own grave.

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